
‘Offering clarity, context, and fresh perspectives’, that is the added value to my work. I am passionate working with people, connecting them and creating common ground for future perspectives.

‘Changing perspectives’ and ‘perspectives on change’ are ever returning themes in my work. I am at my best when able to combine several fields of expertise:

Change management
Training & Coaching
Arabist | Middle East and North Africa expert
Projects & Research


My approach is inclusive, analytical, process- and client-oriented. It is practical and hands-on. And it is in-depth: I enjoy listening to what motivates others. I explore why people do the things they do. Where is the human being behind the person? What are their talents, and their dreams? How can you place a person or group in their strengths, and empower them? Where do you find similarities or commonalities in a group process? Groups often know the answer to a dilemma already, yet need a facilitator to bring the solution to the surface.

My view of the world is holistic. People are connected and can’t live without each other. I encourage out-of-the-box thinking. When fresh perspectives broaden my view of the world, it makes me smile. Room for flexibility and creativity is another important prerequisite for finding solutions. People who use the power of imagination feel inspired and are able to go beyond existing patterns and structures.

Under the button Recommends you will find books, research and clips that inspire me and make me laugh.


These values are important to me:
Open and clear communication and cooperation is beneficial to all parties involved, and creates an environment of trust.
Being true to your own personality and beliefs makes life more fulfilling. My intention is to accept assignments, which I genuinely believe in and feel committed to.
Sensitive information stays confidential.
Together we can create a better world. This begins with reciprocity in relations, equality, sharing and respect. Scientific research has proven that in a more equal society people are happier, healthier and more satisfied.