Work Methods
The work methods that I use have two main characteristics: interactive and participatory. These bottom-up work methods have proven to be effective and productive. Above all, they are incredibly energising for the participants.
To my experience, these methods ensure that participants establish common ground and find future perspectives. It guarantees local ownership, fosters shared responsibility among multiple stakeholders, reinforces social cohesion and stimulates dialogue.
In order to achieve the intended results and effects in my work I combined various work methods and techniques which have been proven to work, such as:
- Appreciative Inquiry (AI)
- Meta Praxis of McWhinney
- Design Thinking
- Positive Psychology
- Experience-based Learning
- Theory U
- De Bono and mind mapping
- SWOT analysis
- Stakeholder mapping
- Art of Hosting
- Business Model U
As trainer and facilitator I am trained in the following fields:
- Facilitator of Group Processes and Dynamics – the Institute of Social Innovation in the Netherlands
- Training Appreciative Inquiry
- Train the Trainer in Applied Improvisation Techniques
- Train the Trainer Developing Intercultural Training Skills
- Foreign Relations – Clingendael Institute for International Relations