Love, hope and loss.
About Nicolien
Nicolien is an arabist who enjoys connecting people and building bridges. 'I offer clarity, context and fresh perspectives.'
Recent articles
- Blije boeken voor een blauwe maandag
- Mijn werk als trainer met NGO’s in Libië
- Why short-sightedness regarding Libya is the biggest threat to Europe’s stability
- Waarom kortzichtigheid ten aanzien van Libië de grootste bedreiging vormt voor Europa’s stabiliteit
- “What I learned from a mouse in the meeting room, a man in a wheel chair, improvisation and wisdom of the group.”
Latest tweets
- RT @AgnesCallamard: Farewell Benjamin Ferencz. The longest-living Nuremberg prosecutor. The tireless fighter for international law and acco… 07:29:01 PM april 08, 2023 from Twitter for iPhone ReplyRetweetFavorite
- RT @fqadi: I'm so happy to see my friend @NABEELRAJAB celebrate his first novel. It tells us that human rights advocates are organic ingred… 07:44:39 PM maart 19, 2023 from Twitter for iPhone ReplyRetweetFavorite
- RT @OmarSShakir: Amid in many respects unprecedented Israeli repression of Palestinians, what gives me hope is the visionary leadership of… 12:34:53 PM maart 05, 2023 from Twitter for iPhone ReplyRetweetFavorite
- RT @SyriaCivilDef: Her baby sister sacrificed herself... Incredible moments to save a baby alive who was in the lap of her sister. The city… 10:01:31 PM februari 11, 2023 from Twitter for iPhone ReplyRetweetFavorite
- RT @oubibachir: Glad to have taken part in the conference on human rights violations by #Morocco in the occupied part of #Western_Sahara or… 11:17:23 AM februari 08, 2023 from Twitter for iPhone ReplyRetweetFavorite
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